Information technology (IT) Talent search in Basel Dicember 2022

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Information technology (IT) Talent search in Basel Dicember 2022

(You've found a letter under your door!)

We're on a quest for glory and fortune, our team is still forming up and we need a Wizard, we need you!

We already have our archer, our warrior, our healer, our druid and our paladin, but our team wouldn't stand a chance against our foes without the craft of a talented mage like yourself, contacts us and join our adventure!

The old one among her riddles said something about... "Wix homepage builder", if you have the answer, you're the key.

(The rest of the paper has been stained in wine, but there's still a comprehensible line to be read...)

... Time is running out ...

Inserat Nummer: 701853
Inserent Daten
CH - 4127 Birsfelden (BL)